

Bronze age village of Vertriver.

TerraFirmaCraft is a complete overhaul mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 that alters almost all game mechanics. Almost all items, blocks and crafting recipes were replaced. Wide range of ores and minerals can be smelted into alloys, and tools and weapons need to be casted or forged on anvil. Stored food will decay with time, but its shelf life can be extended by proper preservation. Tunnel mines can collapse if you're not using support beams. Loose materials will fall over into piles, you can experience snow in winter season, to make bread you will need flour, you can also craft eight different types of alcohol, drink it, and even get poisoned from it. However, all of this is just only a beginning of the hard-core survival adventure of TerraFirmaCraft.

Purpose of this tutorial is to quickly introduce to the basic concepts of TerraFirmaCraft by clear, illustrated steps.

First tools

  1. Pick up rocks and sticks from the ground.
  2. Punch tree leaves for more sticks.
  3. Equip at least two rocks to your hand and click RMB.
  4. Construct a tool head by forming a shape out of it. List of all shapes is on TFC Wiki.
  5. Combine tool head with a stick. Your axe is ready, you know what to do with it. Stone axe will be your most used item for a while, followed by stone knife and stone shovel.

Eating and drinking

  1. You can drink straight from the water source by clicking and holding RMB. You can recognize drinkable water by cat tails growing in it.
  2. At first, seaweed will be most likely your one and only diet. Go to the sea coast and look for seaweed.
  3. Craft a knife with two stones and a stick, and use it to cut seaweed quickly.
  4. You can combine food portions into bigger servings. Green bar indicates decay, white bar indicates portion size.
  5. You can also cut out rotten bits of food by combining knife and decayed food item.


  1. Craft a knife and cut some grass.
  2. You can combine 4 straws to turn them into thatch.
  3. You can combine 4 rocks to turn them into cobblestone.
  4. You can create a log pile by holding Shift and clicking RMB with a wood log. Once created, click RMB with a wood log to add it to the log pile, or RMB with any other item to open storage menu.
  5. The best places for first settlement are usually with free access to fresh water, close to Ingenous Extrusive and Metamorphic stone biomes (they contain copper ores), ideally near mountains.

Firepit. Cooking. Making torches

  1. Hunt an animal. Most of them will drop meat, bones and a hide. Keep in mind that only deer, pheasants, bears, fish and squid will respawn if killed. Raw meat is not edible, it needs to be cooked. If there's no animals in the area, you can use seaweed for cooking, although it can be eaten raw.
  2. Drop 3 sticks on the ground using a Q key.
  3. Craft a fire starter and hold RMB on them to set them on fire. It can take a few of more tries. A firepit will appear.

  4. Click RMB on fire pit and put some wood to fuel bar on the left of the window. It will keep the fire burning for longer.
  5. Cook the food you got by placing it in top slot. Be careful to not to overcook it.
  6. Observe your food and take it out of the fire if you think it's ready. A bar by the item indicates its temperature. If food is too hot, it can't be eaten yet. Cooking food will affect its taste, cooked food also decays in slightly slower rate. More about cooking on TFC Wiki.
  7. While the fire is still burning, click RMB on firepit and place a stick in the top slot. It will produce a torch in a few seconds.
  8. Use them to illuminate dark areas in the first nights of your struggle. By default, it has limited burn time of 48 in-game hours.


  1. Craft a shovel and look for certain yellow flowers. Usually there's clay beneath them.
  2. Use shovel to gather glay.
  3. Equip at least 5 clay to your hand and click RMB. Form one of available pottery items.
  4. Now, we're going to make a pit kiln. Dig a 1x1x1 pit. Having a clay pot in your hand, hold Shift and click RMB on the bottom of the pit. You can put 1 big pot or 4 small pots that way. I use a big one in my example.
  5. Craft a knife and cut 8 pieces of grass. You will also need 8 wood logs.
  6. Equip straws and click RMB (without holding Shift) on the bottom of the pit. You need to put exactly 8 straws in it.
  7. Now, put 8 wood logs the same way.
  8. Craft a fire starter and equip it.
  9. Hold RMB on top of the pit to ignite the pit kiln. It can take a few tries.

  10. The whole process takes few in-game hours. In the meanwhile, you can check out how does it look like in real life. Before you invent a crucible it will be your main way of smelting ores.
  11. It's done. Empty your hand, hold Shift and click RMB to take out the pottery.
  12. Large Vessel can be used to store items, fluids or to gather rain water.
  13. Smaller pottery can be placed with Shift+RMB. You can use ceramic jug to carry fresh water. Ceramic vessel is a smaller storage item. It's useful for keeping food and smelting.


  1. Explore your surroundings. Look for wild crops.
  2. Gathering wild crops will drop you seeds.
  3. Craft a hoe and make some farm tiles somewhere near water.
  4. Use "Cycle Tool Mode" key, default M (conflicts with VoxelMap, so you may need to reconfigure it in controls options menu) to see if tile has water access.
  5. Plant the crops. Make sure they have enough time to mature before winter, when temperature drops below zero degrees Celsius.

Gold pan

Gold pan will randomly drop you native copper, gold and platinum nuggets.

  1. Make a ceramic bowl in a fire pit (see Pottery section of this tutorial). and turn it into gold pan simply by placing it in a crafting grid.
  2. Use RMB to take a sample from sand or gravel block.
  3. Rinse it few times in flowing water. There's a small chance it will drop a native ore nugget. Repeat the process until you have 10 copper nuggets.


  1. Make sure you have at least 100 units of copper. In my example, i'm using three types of copper ores: native copper, malachite and tetrahedrite, 10 units each.
  2. Equip a ceramic vessel to your hand and click RMB. Put copper ores into ceramic vessel. Pay attention to their units. Most products require 100 units of liquid metal, so you'll probably want to put inside multiplies of 100.
  3. Craft a clay mold for metal tool you want to use. I recommend getting pickaxe first.
  4. By holding Shift and clicking RMB, place clay mold and ceramic vessel with copper in it into the pit kiln.
  5. Follow pottery section of this tutorial to make a pit kiln.
  6. When it's ready, empty your hand and hold Shift and click RMB to take out these items from the pit kiln.
  7. Take the vessel to your hand and click RMB.
  8. Pour liquid copper to ceramic mold. Mold will fill with liquid copper.
  9. Use crafting grid to take out the tool head out of the mold.
  10. Combine tool head with a stick. Congratulations, you have just entered copper age.

Woodworking. Crafting table

  1. Follow smelting section of this tutorial to craft a metal saw.
  2. Combine saw and wood logs to produce lumber.
  3. Combine 4 lumber to get a block of planks.
  4. Combine 4 planks to permanently expand inventory crafting grid to 3x3.

  5. Combine 8 lumber to craft a chest.
  6. Combine 6 lumber to craft a tool rack.
  7. Place tool rack on a wall and put tools on it by clicking RMB.

What next?